Seven reasons why Marie from The Aristocats was an underrated Disney character

1. She was hand-drawn. I loved the old Disney movies that were hand-drawn animations. What I really loved about Marie the cat is her colouring. She is white all over, and has a light pink bow, and light blue eyes. I loved the fact she was simple in colour and easy to look at.

2. She was sassy. I loved her attitude. I also liked how polite she was. Maybe it was due to relating to her sense of class, or the fact that she was one of the politest characters I had met in the Disney world. Growing up as a child, one of the most important lessons was to understand the power, meaning and most importantly the subtle importance of having manners. I did not have the ability to go to finishing school, however, not all vital life lessons take place in the classroom, and I did not need to go to the only living finishing school in the world to understand manners.

3. She had a French accent. I liked any character with an accent that was different to my own. When I was younger and was first introduced to Aristocats, I wanted to be French so bad. I sometimes even pretended I was Madeline from the television animated show about the French school girl.

4. My middle name was Marie too. Many seem to say that Marie, or Claire, or May, are filler names, but I believe these names, especially Marie are important. They were important enough to Walt Disney that he named a character he made with the name.

5. Having a cat around was fun. Growing up, I did not have cats, I had rabbits and guinea pigs as they were cheaper to look after. But, my Grandma and Grandpa used to have a cat. We visited them and the cat a lot. I thought cats were cool. When I was a child, Grandma’s cat was called Mitzy (Mit-zee) and she was black and fat and lived to age twenty. When I was in year two, I had a slight obsession with cats, and I wrote a short story about how I wanted to be a cat who jumped on the roofs of neighbourhood houses and lived an easy life. My teacher wrote a note in a picture book she gave to me at the end of the year that said I thought I would enjoy it because of my love of animals!

6. I loved her iconic quotes, “Because I’m a lady, that’s why!” I loved her sarcasm too. I thought she was quote ‘a complicated character’ even though she was a cat.

7. She made a cameo in the most recent Disney movie called Wish. I saw Wish last year at the movies and I thought it was really good. It was different to the ‘classic’ Disney movies I saw in the past. But, I did not remember seeing Marie in it. Next time I see Wish, I will keep a look out for Marie.

What’s your favourite Disney character and why?

Suzanna Poredos
A List Socialite

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