COME HANG OUT AND be social your way

We interviewed 200 autistic teens and asked them a simple question.  What do you want?

Every single one of them said “a place to hang out.”   So the A List Social Hubs were created.

We understand that everyone has their unique way of socialising, at our hubs you can connect with others in a way that feels natural and comfortable, without feeling pressured to conform to social norms or expectations. Whether you prefer one-on-one conversations or groups activities, quiet moments, or lively gatherings, we encourage you to be social your way.

2 young autistic boys standing in a field with a gorgeous sunset behind them

“My top 3 things about the Social Hubs?

The people are fun.

It’s not clinical.

I can just be.”
– AJ 16

Kids lying on the floor taking a break

“Normally Mum has to make me go inside whenever we go anywhere. I need her to walk me all the way to the front door.  I make her wait in the car when I come here. I just run in.”
– Ruby 13

“I had to leave mainstream school, you know because of the bullying.  This place is special.  I just feel like I am accepted and I can be myself.”
– Emily 18


The A List currently has the following Social Hubs:

Blacktown Autism Friendly Social Hub

Click on the location above for more details.

To find out more or tell us where else you want us to go, click below.

Find out more

Stories from the Hub

Stories of what happens, testimonials from parents

From our parents

“I have never seen her be this way.  She has no friends from school, from anywhere, just her family.  I cannot believe she is so free here, I have never seen her this relaxed and chatting so easily to someone her age.”

From our parents

“He just had the worst day at school and he wouldn’t miss coming here.  I can’t get him to go anywhere, but he would never miss his Thursdays at the Social Hub.”