Personal Care – Why do we need it and what does it actually involve?
(Clue: smelling armpits)
In this candid video, our presenter Hayden talks about personal care and why it may be important and how it could negatively affect social situations.
Why does it matter if your hair is messy and your clothes are dirty if you are a great person – it doesn’t, but it does mean that people may be distracted by these things and not get to know you are quickly as you might like them to.
He provides tips to manage personal care successfully so you don’t put people off just because your armpits smell!
Look out for performances by A List Ambassador, Richard Habelrih.
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A message from the presenter:
Hi, my name is Hayden Jon Brown. I have autism and ADHD. Throughout my life I have experienced the difficulty in learning social skills, so I started my own company to help young people develop social skills. I hope these videos help you learn the skills you need to be more confident in making friends.