Online dating for neurodiverse people might be even harder than non-neurodiverse people because of the communication misunderstandings that can arise as neurodiverse people seem to interpret things differently. But neurodiverse people have a right to date because they are still worthy of having these experiences. Fortunately, the following are good strategies I use when I online dated in the past. The following tips might be useful to you.

· Don’t give out personal or private information to your date if you just met them. For instance, I don’t give out my surname, phone number, or anything else to someone who I just private messaged at first.

· Don’t do anything you don’t want to do online. For instance, if you don’t feel comfortable taking photos or sending emojis that your date is requesting you have a right to deny it because you are in control.

· Do date a person from online to in-person if that’s what you want to do. If you feel comfortable with going from an online date to an in-person date then dating in a public place such as a café is good. Your own personal safety is important.

· Do take your time to get your message right before you send it. Online dating can be tricky, especially if you get confused by how things sound if they are electronically communicated. Sometimes it might be hard to decode the tone or intention behind the words, and it can be difficult to know what the person is actually saying. It might be hard to understand what isn’t said as well (reading between the lines).

· Do date a neurodiverse person if you’re comfortable doing that and it works for both of you. Some neurodiverse people can date neurodiverse people without much issue, and it works, but sometimes you might be better suited with a non-neurodiverse person. Everyone’s different.

· Do report and block the date online if they are harassing you or making you feel reasonably uncomfortable. It’s okay to change your mind if you don’t want to communicate with them anymore. It’s also very okay if you want to have boundaries and block, report or block and report if you have any concerns. You are worth more than the person that you feel is wasting your time or not being a good use of your time.

What strategies do you use to date safely online? Do you use any of my strategies?

– Suzanna Poredos

A List Socialite

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