Together We Can International Pty Ltd (TWCI) Banner

Community, Games, Social Groups, Sports & Recreation

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Together We Can International Pty Ltd (TWCI) Logo

Suitable for ages

7-12, 13-17, 18-24 years

Autism Friendly

Autism specific provider


Fulham SA 5024, Australia

Provider Terms & Conditions

Currently we are only able to support PLAN & SELF-MANAGED Participants of the NDIS until our provider registration is complete

Rights & Responsibilities of Provider
• Actively work collaboratively with the participants, families & supports to set achievable outcomes in line with participants NDIS goals and individual circumstances

• Communicate openly, honestly, and clearly in a timely manner and in a way the participant can best understand including using an interpreter if required treating the participant/s & all relevant parties with Courtesy & Respect.

• Provide you with a Service Agreement outlining your schedule of supports clearly, including all costs to ensure you have a clear understanding of any amounts billed to your NDIS plan including categories of support, frequency of billing and duration of supports.

• Gain as much information from you and your individual circumstances/situation to make an informed decision if we are able to offer or provide an adequate level of support and advise you asap if this is the case

• To assess & record any risks or potential risks in relation to keeping you safe, ensuring the safety of our staff, the public and property is maintained while we are supporting you or you are engaging in one of our activities

• Review the provision of supports at regular intervals with the Participant and their advocated or trusted decision maker.

• Respect the cultural values and beliefs of the participant, treating Participant & supports with courtesy and respect.

• Keep records accurate on the supports provided to the Participant & Protect the Participant’s privacy and confidential information as per the Privacy Act 1988 & Store Participant information in a secure electronic file, that is password protected and has appropriate firewall protection.

• To provide person centred, inclusive, structured & cost-effective supports in a manner consistent with all relevant laws, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act and Rules, and the Australian Consumer Law.

• Provide staff who are experienced, have the relevant clearances including a current drivers license, NDIS worker check, working with children check, current first aid & up to date vaccination status.

• To respect your wishes for us to not be in uniform when performing social or community engagement activities

• To schedule supports based on the best fit for the participant and their families wherever possible, as per the above schedule of supports. If these arranged dates or times are unable to be met we agree to contact you to reschedule and endeavor to do our best to match participants to workers & transition workers to new participants when required


Rights & Responsibilities of Participant
• Provide accurate, up to date and honest information in the format required by Together We Can International (TWCI) for example registration forms, risk assessments to be completed in their entirety including signatures, consents & correct billing information.

• Keep us updated on changes in your personal information such as change of address, contact details or billing information (plan manager)

• Use equipment safely – in the way you have practiced with your Provider.

• Ensure there are appropriate funds available for claiming services that have been booked and provided. If your Provider is unable to make a claim to NDIA for the provision of a service due to insufficient funds you are responsible for payment.

• Treat the provider, their staff & participant with courtesy & respect.

• Cancellations: min of 48hrs (2 days) notice for all cancellations to incur the following cancellation fees: Mentoring shifts 50%, Respite Camps & Activities (inc School Holiday activities) 60%, Employment support 90%.

• If you are removed from a Together We Can International activity due to any risk, escalating behavior or inappropriate actions, you will be charged the full cost of the shift as per your service agreement amount, plus (potentially) an additional charge for transport & staffing to remove you.

• Let the Provider know immediately if your NDIS plan is suspended or replaced by a new NDIS plan, you change plan managers, you stop being a Participant in the NDIS or your funding changes impacting on this service agreement and outlined supports.

• To ensure all self‐managed invoices are paid within 5 days support being provided

• Fully disclose to the provider any behavioral or at‐risk behavior that may impact the providers staff safety

• Provide clear & precise clarification, confirmation of Guardianship permissions & restrictions of the participant in line with their welfare & the providers safety policies

• Notify Together We Can International immediately if the participant or their family members are ill / showing any flu like symptoms or has been tested positive to any contagious diseases or infections that may affect the health & safety of our staff (including things for example as; COVID19, Gastro, Conjunctivitis)


Feedback, Complaints, & Disputes
If the participant or legal guardian/representative wishes to give the provider feedback or complain about any aspect of Supports provided by Together We Can International Pty Ltd please contact our office on (08) 8169 6991 directly to discuss your complaint with Together We Can International Compliance Manager in the first instance:
Benn Cottle, Compliance Manager Your complaint will be independently reviewed, documented and logged in our register with the intent to provide you with an outcome to your complaint in a 5 day period in writing. If you are not satisfied with the result of this internal investigation you may contact the Company Director Cathrine Durney directly on 0422 311 193 or If the participant or legal guardian/representative is not satisfied or does not wish to discuss with the Director, the participant can contact the National Disability Insurance Agency by calling 1800 800 110, visiting one of their offices in person, or visiting for further information. We take all complaints seriously & as an opportunity to continuously improve our service & supports through your feedback

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