Suitable for ages
13-17, 18-24 years
Autism Friendly
Autism specific provider
Support Provided
Check with provider
Sensory Considerations
This event is held indoors
Midland WA 6056, Australia
Everything you need to know
YES Group is a social and special interest group for 13-18 year olds on the autism spectrum. The group is not therapeutic, instead we use astrengths-based approachto concentrate on the inherent strengths an individual has with the goal to focus on the positive.
Centred around the interests of the individual, YES group is where you can come and have fun, develop new friendships and learn new skills, doing the things teenagers like doing! It enables you to begin to apply social skills in a natural conversational environment.We aim to help you build your confidence, self-esteem and to identify your strengths, strengths that may develop into a hobby, study area or even a career. That is why we invite YOU to make the decisions on what you would like to do throughout term, both individually and as a group. Some of the teens in YES group go on to join theSpectrum Space Youth Advisory Councilto further develop leadership, public speaking and project management skills.
Click the ‘find out more’ button below to be directed to our website where you’ll find out full group timetable.
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