Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre Banner

Arts craft and music

Find out more

Suitable for ages

18-24, 25-35 years

Autism Friendly

Mainstream - autism inclusive provider

Support Provided

Check with provider

Sensory Considerations

  • May be some noise
  • May be some artificial lights
  • May be some contact with others

This event is held indoors


1 Powerhouse Rd, Casula NSW 2170

Everything you need to know

Participants will work with a specialist facilitator in individual 1.5hr sessions each Saturday for 3 weeks. Participants can work:

In any genre or style of music
On something already in development
On something new
On improving vocal skills, lyric writing, melodies, beats … whatever they need

When: Saturday 5, 12, & 19 October
Where: Casula Powerhouse, 1 Powerhouse Rd, Casula

This program is free to Pasifika people with autism.

Places are very limited, so please get in quickly!