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Community, Games, Sports & Recreation

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Suitable for ages

7-12, 13-17 years

Autism Friendly

Disability (all) provider

Support Provided

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Matraville Sports High School, Chifley NSW, Australia

Everything you need to know

When and where do Purple Hearts train?
The Purple Hearts train every Wednesday starting in February and finishing in September. Training sessions follow the school term and are held in the school hall of Matraville Sports High School (see map). The juniors (7-13) train from 4.45-5.30pm and the seniors (14+) from 5.30-6.30pm.

What about games?
The Purple Hearts play games against other teams made up of people with a disability and are held at various times during the year.

This year, Football NSW organised a competition called Football4All League. Games in this competition are played on the last Sunday of every month.

In the summer, the senior players play in the Football NSW Athletes with a Disability Futsal Competition which usually runs from October until end of January.

Does it cost?
Joining the Purple Hearts is FREE!

Want to know more?
Please contact Ben Folino, Program Director on 0419 973 631 or email here.

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