Different Journey's Banner

Peer Support Groups & Mentor, Social Groups

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Suitable for ages

13-17 years

Autism Friendly

Autism specific provider

Support Provided

Bring a parent or carer

Sensory Considerations

This event is held indoors


Bayswater North VIC 3153, Australia

Everything you need to know

This is where Autistic teens and their families come together in a safe and supported setting.

We invite teens to sit with other teens whilst parents/carers can have the opportunity to sit together but there are no hard and fast rules. It is all about meeting individual needs.

We invite all persons that support our Autistic teens as they are welcome to attend. We want to set our teens up for success.

Everyone is supported from when they step through the door. Friendships, connections and opportunities to grow are found for those on similar journeys.

We supply a range of lego, board games, including online Kahoot trivia and free wifi.

There is an admin fee to attend the event. Additional costs will include any purchases at the event.

Different Journeys requires the teen to be supported on the night by a familiar adult person.