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Arts craft and music, Computers & Technology, Outdoors, Skills Building, Social Groups, Special Interest, Sports & Recreation

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The Experience Collectors Logo

Suitable for ages

7-12, 13-17 years

Autism Friendly

Autism specific provider

Support Provided

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Bellbird Park QLD 4300, Australia

Everything you need to know

Our sessions range from 2-5 hours and involve up to 8 children, each provided with the individualised therapeutic supports required to work on their personalised therapeutic programs and goals.

Our Allied health team (Developmental Educator, Social Workers, Speechy, OT, Clinical Nurse & Counsellors) embed each child’s therapeutic pathway into TEC’s play and interest-based sessions.

Our sessions are fun, engaging and unique! They could be messy & loud, full of movement or calm and serene, huddled in the comfortable sensory aware environment of their choice.

Sessions are always child-led and positive allowing children & teens the opportunity to feel safe, be with their peers and work on their therapeutic goals simultaneously.

During our sessions, we also focus on assisting children in building confidence in their Autistic/ND identity with age-appropriate discussions (that are always child/teen-led) around concepts and topics that impact them daily. We provide a safe space with like-minded peers and qualified Autistic/ND staff, where raising any subject without fear of judgement is okay.

Detailed session notes written by TEC’s Lead Non-ABA Behavioural Practitioners are provided to parents following each session and used by our Allied Health team to individualise TEC’s dynamic therapy sessions further, allowing for continual adjustments to meet each child’s needs over time.

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