Sydney Autism Community Lions Club Banner

Community, Social Groups, Special Interest

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Sydney Autism Community Lions Club Logo

Suitable for ages

18-24, 25+ years

Autism Friendly

Mainstream autism inclusive provider
NDIS Registered

Support Provided

Minimum Support



Everything you need to know

Monthly meetings – fourth Monday of every month on ZOOM.


We are Sydney’s most progressive Lions Club dedicated to theadvancement and empowerment of Autistic people.

Our membership is comprised entirely of service-minded Autistic adults, however all are welcome to join us.

We holdmonthly meetings online via Zoom, where we discuss ways in which we canserve our communityandaffect positive change for Autistickind.

Weopen up the connection at around 6:30pm, where we all have a casual chat and get to know each other in a fun, safe, judgment-free environment.

Then at7pm, the meeting isformally called to order. A typical agenda (subject to amendment):

  • Acknowledgement of Country.
  • Approving of last meeting’s minutes.
  • President’s Report, where we go over what the club has done recently and what we are going to do in the near future.
  • Treasurer’s Report, in which the financial state of our accounts is shared, so that you can continue to be assured of our fiscal responsibility.
  • Project Committee Reports, where we discuss the progress of our current club projects and where suggestions for other projects can also be made.

Once theformal business of the meeting is concluded, the floor is once again opened to participants tospeak their mindand just hang out and enjoy themselves 🙂