Suitable for ages
18-24, 25+ years
Autism Friendly
Autism specific provider
Support Provided
Check with provider
Sensory Considerations
This event is held indoors
Rockingham WA 6168, Australia
Everything you need to know
Step Into Social (SIS) is a social group for adults 18+ on the autism spectrum. The group is not therapeutic, instead we use astrengths-based approachto concentrate on the inherent strengths an individual has with the goal to focus on the positive.
The overall aim of the groups is to engage and motivate, encourage social connection and to build feelings of self-worth and to create a space for adults to socialise with others and enjoy all of what Perth has to offer.
Step into Social groups take place fortnightly on a Saturday in Fremantle, Marangaroo and Rockingham and are run with the active involvement of group members, with Spectrum Space staff facilitating activities the group members agree on. These groups are great places to develop friendships while enjoying various activities, meals and excursions and, where possible, we support the delivery of special projects such as coding, art and film-making.
Adults interested in leadership opportunities can join ouradvisory councils, which aim to contribute actively to Spectrum Space through public speaking, research projects and events.
You’ll find our full timetable on our website – click the ‘find out more’ button below.
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