Epitome Care Banner

Arts craft and music, Skills Building, Social Groups, Special Interest, Sports & Recreation

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Suitable for ages

18-24, 25+ years

Autism Friendly

Disability (all) provider

Support Provided

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Orange NSW 2800, Australia

Everything you need to know

We facilitateperson centered group activities tailored to meet the individual needs and goals for all people with disabilities. Before planning any activity, Epitome Care Team aims to understand the needs and interests of each participant. Factors such as their age, disability type, and support needs are taken into account in order to ensure that the activity is suitable and engaging for everyone involved including the date, time, location, and resources required for the activity. Safety and accessibility is also considered.

Epitome Care Team facilitates a range of engaging group activities for people with disabilities, including recreational park activities, movies, dinners, and food and art festivals. By facilitating a variety of activities, our team provides participants with opportunities to explore their interests, engage in social connections, and develop new skills.

Get in touch with us via phone or email for more information!

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