Autism & Beyond Australia Banner

Health & Wellbeing, Holiday Camps, Outdoors, Sports & Recreation

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Suitable for ages

7-12, 13-17 years

Autism Friendly

Autism specific provider

Support Provided

Minimum Support

Sensory Considerations

  • May be some contact with others

This event is held outdoors


Chambers Island, Maroochydore QLD 4558, Australia

Everything you need to know

Casual 1.5hr fishing sessions in the school holidays for kids aged 5+ yrs to spend quality time outdoors, learn casting and baiting hooks if they don’t already know how, and hopefully make some new friends!

When: 19th & 26th September 9am – 10.30am

Where: Chambers Island, Maroochydore

1 x fishing coach for 3-4 kids

Each child should have their own water and sun protection. Public toilets are available for use.

No pressure to fish the entire time and no pressure to make friends.

The Coach will support the children with where they’re at on the day.

Parents/guardians don’t have to stay and watch if they feel the child/children will be fine for the duration.

Cost: $65 per child per session which includes bait and use of tackle for duration of the session + $30 reel/rod hire if not bringing own equipment

Bookings essential!

You can read T&C’s here

Provider Terms & Conditions

Ssee website

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