Suitable for ages
13-17 years
Autism Friendly
Autism specific provider
Support Provided
Check with provider
Sensory Considerations
- May be some noise
- May be some artificial lights
- May be some contact with others
This event is held indoors
Rosebery NSW 2018, Australia
Everything you need to know
SENSE Theatre was developed by Professor Blythe Corbett at Vanderbilt University Medical Centre and has been run as a research program for the past 10 years.
SENSE Theatre is a performance-based program for 12 – 18 year-olds, targeting social skills that includes trained peer actors and theatre techniques.
The SENSE Theatre program was expressly designed to target the socio-emotional challenges of autism by utilising well-established theatrical techniques to enhance their social competence.
The Program:
• The program costs $3,500
• Takes place over 10 x 4 hour sessions
(10am-2pm) on Sundays
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