Reach & Belong Banner

Animals, Arts craft and music, Community, Games, Health & Wellbeing, Holiday Camps, Special Interest, Sports & Recreation

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Reach & Belong Logo

Suitable for ages

13-17, 18-24 years

Autism Friendly

Disability (all) provider
NDIS Registered

Support Provided

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Victoria, Australia

Everything you need to know

Our NDIS School Holiday Programs for 13 – 20 year olds run from 9.30 am to 4.00pm each weekday during week 2 of thepublic school holidaysin Victoria— or as advertised.

Held every school holidays, the weekly program is a whirl of fun, creativity and friendship, to leave you refreshed for and ready to tackle the new semester.

Reach & Belong’s School Holiday Programs are designed to introduce you to lots of different activities, skills, excursions and social opportunities.

Every school holiday features a unique program. As part of our NDIS School Holiday Programs, participants can join us for one week, for a day, or for a mix of activities. Think cooking, art, golf, yoga, excursions and even a disco/talent show!

For the September holiday activities, RSVP is Friday 6th September 2024.

To find out more about Reach & Belong’s activities during the school term, click here .

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