Suitable for ages
18-24 years
Autism Friendly
Disability (all) provider
Support Provided
Check with provider
Sensory Considerations
- May be some noise
- May be some artificial lights
- May be some contact with others
This event is held indoors
119 S Western Hwy, Glen Iris WA 6230, Australia
Everything you need to know
You will see Morrissey vehicles out and about on our popular Saturday, day & evening outings, which will take you to exciting venues and Community Events in the Greater Bunbury area.
Popular destinations:
- Pubs & nightclubs
- Trips “Downsouth”.
- Cinema
- Zoos & wildlife parks
- Swimming at the beach & pool
- Train trips to Perth
- Mandurah Forum shopping
- Annual Shows
- Mini-golf
- Archery
- Farm stays
- Discos
- Sleepovers
Please call the office to book your Saturday outing by 2.30pm on Thursday.
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