Suitable for ages
7-12, 13-17, 18-24 years
Autism Friendly
Disability (all) provider
NDIS Registered
Support Provided
Check with provider
Sydney NSW, Australia
Everything you need to know
Have you ever wanted to attend a concert but were too worried about being judged by others or shushed, or felt that it’s just too overwhelming?
We understand.
Sensory Concerts® are pioneers in providing equal access to high-quality music in Australia.
Our concerts are different to traditional classical concerts where you are expected to sit still and keep quiet for the whole performance.
At Sensory Concerts®, audience numbers are small, and our patrons are free to roam, vocalise, or retreat as needed.
You can relax on a crash mat, cushion or any seating of your choice and have an up-close-and-personal experience of enjoying performances by some of the most acclaimed professional musicians.
The music is programmed to engage, interact, and calm your senses, with experienced therapists on site to support if needed.
The combined expertise of our Allied Health Professionals with performances by highly acclaimed professional musicians is what makes our Sensory Concerts® such a unique experience.
Not just a token gesture, Sensory Concerts® are a genuine option for people who otherwise cannot attend a live concert.
It is a wonderfully safe environment where you can spend quality time with the whole family!
Venues are specially modified to minimise sensory stimulus such as noise, light, crowds, and lighting.
The music is programmed to contain sensory-friendly elements appealing to first timers and seasoned concert-goers.
As numbers are kept to a minimum and tickets booked out fast, get in quick for this amazing experience.
Check back for the next concert date!
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