Reach & Belong Logo

Suitable for ages

13-17, 18-24, 25+ years

Autism Friendly

Disability (all) provider
NDIS Registered

Support Provided

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Wadham Parade, Mount Waverley VIC 3149, Australia

Everything you need to know

We deliver small, very person-centred activities for groups and one-on-on programs in community hub locations. Our instructors are a fantastic group dedicated to meeting each participant’s individual needs. We continually modify and re-design programs and we love what we do.

Our programs include

  • cooking / health & nutrition
  • golf
  • independent living skills including exploring employment opportunities
  • art, music, drama and theatre skills
  • learning how to sew using sewing machines and hand sewing
  • a receptive language Lego program
  • science/tech

Find our timetable and flyers attached above for more information