Field of Dreams Early Intervention & Support Banner

Animals, Parent & Carer Support, Skills Building, Therapies

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Field of Dreams Early Intervention & Support Logo

Suitable for ages

7-12 years

Autism Friendly

Disability (all) provider
NDIS Registered

Support Provided

Bring a parent or carer


3 Ron Bischof Cl, Cashmere QLD 4500, Australia

Everything you need to know

Field of Dreams-Early Intervention and Support are proud to be able to offer “Play 4 Therapy” in 2024.

“Play 4 Therapy” is a specially designed program focusing on supporting parents and carers to extend their children’s access to therapy through providing once a week session for parents/carers and their child with developmental delays or disabilities at Field of Dreams, and follow-up activities to do at home or in childcare.
Our structured routine will provide opportunities for developing fine motor control, gross motor skills, sensory play, music, and rhymes. The parents and carers will have a chance to learn more about the take-home-bags during the story time at the end of the session.
This is a wonderful way to support your child, build your confidence and meet other families -build your own village to raise your child.

Term 1 Themes
• Friends and me – weeks 2-4
• Colours- weeks 5-10
Starts Wednesday 31st January,2024. 9:30-11:30am
BYO morning tea, water bottles. (Tea & coffee provided for adults)

Covered shoes & hats must be worn.

Invoiced under capacity building 15_005_0118_1_3 $38.80/hour

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