MATES4U Banner

Community, Outdoors, Social Groups

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Suitable for ages

18-24, 25-35, 35+ years

Autism Friendly

Disability (all) provider

Support Provided

Check with provider

Sensory Considerations

  • May be some noise
  • May be some contact with others

This event is held outdoors


Parramatta NSW 2150

Everything you need to know

Join your MATES for a fun-filled day of rowing! Get ready to enjoy the outdoors as we row down the calm and scenic waters of The Parramatta River.

When: Sunday 10th November 10.30am

Meeting Point

Drop Off: 10:30 am Randwick McDonalds

Transport via public transport

Pick Up: 3:30 pm Randwick McDonalds


Out of Pocket: $55 and bring money for lunch. (Please note, the cost includes a booking and administration fee)

NDIS Cost= $306.50

The NDIS cost for this activity is subject to change, and will reflect the ratio of support provided. The maximum NDIS cost this activity will incur is listed as above. In addition a transport fee will be charged if applicable.