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Suitable for ages

25+ years

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Minimum Support


128 Prospect Rd, Prospect SA 5082, Australia

Everything you need to know

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

The Power of Peer Mentorship: Tools to Tackle Imposter Syndrome & RSD

Mingle Co. was born from a passion for creating inclusive events centered around the neurodivergent community.

Here’s what you can expect when you attend our events:

  • A safe and comfortable space where you can relax and be yourself.
  • A chance to create genuine and meaningful connections with other like-minded women who share similar interests and experiences.
  • Neurodivergent women in leadership roles, aspiring to start their own business, all women wanting to connect and learn are invited to attend.
  • Opportunities to learn, collaborate and support other neurodivergent women in business.
  • We have identified the perfect balance for sitting down and engaging in learning. Our aim is to encourage participation, strengthen connections, enhance knowledge, and provide plenty of opportunities for networking!
  • Sensory friendly (no fluro lights, temperature adjustments and low background noise.)
  • Professional and friendly event hosts who are dedicated to making your experience as comfortable as possible.
  • Light brunch and drinks. (all food will be labelled).
  • Please bring fliers and / or business cards to share.
  • Accessible building and toilets
  • Event will be held in Tirkanthi Kuu room, this is located on level 1 of Payinthi building.
  • What will be covered at this event:
  • What is peer mentoring?
  • Niamh’s experience with imposter syndrome and rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD)
  • Why is peer mentorship so helpful
  • Some of her favourite strategies (including the rainy day folder and journalling)

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