Suitable for ages
13-17 years
Autism Friendly
Autism specific provider
Support Provided
Check with provider
75 Newsom St, Ascot Vale VIC, Australia
Everything you need to know
This evening will provide autistic teens and their families the chance to chat, play game and learn new skills. Enjoy board games, BYO device for our Kahoot quiz, and connect with like-minded individuals.
Your $15.00 entry charge is redeemable for a soft drink upon arrival. Meal costs are at your expense.
All attendees under the age of 18 needs to be supervised with a parent, carer, support worker or responsible adult. We do not provide 1:1 support
Parents/carers/support workers need to purchase a ticket.
May be claimable on NDIS if applicable.
We do not offer refunds.
When: First Sunday in June, July & August
Time: 6pm – 8pm
Where: Riverside Kitchen and Bar, 75 Newsom St, Ascot Vale, VIC
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