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Arts craft and music, Community, Skills Building, Social Groups, Therapies

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7-12, 13-17, 18-24, 25-35, 35+ years

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Mount Waverley Bowling Club, Mount Waverley VIC, Australia

Everything you need to know

Known as Local Vocals, the choir meets and rehearses every Wednesday evening from 5 – 7 pm from the Mt Waverley Bowls Club.

Supported by R&B music instructors, co-choir master Belinda Mahony is sharing her skills with Local Vocals.

Belinda is a successful singer, experienced in a wide range of music genres and has a passion for supporting others in developing their singer.

Born with a rare chromosome disability that doctors thought would severely restrict her life she defied all odds. By watching The Sound of Music she not only learned to walk but sing as well!

After discovering her passion for singing, she has attended talent schools, won awards, performed at gigs ang travelled internationally.

Pricing is $10 per evening or through individual NDIS plans.