Arts craft and music, Community, Computers & Technology, Games, Special Interest, Sports & Recreation

Find out more

Suitable for ages

13-17, 18-24, 25+ years

Autism Friendly

Mainstream - autism inclusive provider

Support Provided

Check with provider

Sensory Considerations

  • May be some noise
  • May be some artificial lights
  • May be some contact with others

This event is held indoors


Darwin NT

Everything you need to know

LAUNCH is an umbrella brand for City of Darwin’s youth activities. LAUNCH provides young people in Darwin with high-quality opportunities for active community participation.The range of events and activities changes from year to year and is informed by young people and the community via our 2022-2026 Youth Strategy and annual co-design workshop. Regular events and activities include LAUNCH Night Series, Get That Job school holiday workshops, LAUNCHmedia, LAUNCH emerging producer mentoring, NT Youth Week events, LAUNCH Skate and Geektacular (in partnership with City of Darwin Libraries).

To get involved…

1. Check the list of current activities on our website in the “What’s On” menu
2. Head to the page for the activity you’re interested in
3. Register using the form on the activity page (not all activities require registrations)
4. Got questions? You can email, call, fill out thecontact formon this website or message us onInstagramorFacebook.

What we have on offer is constantly changing so if you’re not into any of the things you see below follow us onFacebookand/orInstagramto keep up to date with all of our programs.