I Can Jump Puddles Banner

Parent & Carer Support, Skills Building, Therapies

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Suitable for ages

7-12, 13-17 years

Autism Friendly

Mainstream autism inclusive provider

Support Provided

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Adelaide SA, Australia

Everything you need to know

Our I Can Cook sessions provide participants with the best parts of cooking!

Our hands on cooking classes have been specially designed to be all inclusive and to meet the needs of individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities.

The aim is for all group attendees to get hands on practical kitchen safety skills, become more comfortable in a kitchen environment, some basic nutrition and to learn how to cook some new and old faves!

Locations spread over metro Adelaide.


Dates TBC

9:30am – 10:30am


I Can Jump Puddles Office
262 Marion Road, Netley



*Includes set up, pack up and case notes. (NDIS Funded)

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