Aspergers Victoria Banner

Community, Games, Peer Support Groups & Mentor, Social Groups

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Suitable for ages

18-24, 25+ years

Autism Friendly

Autism specific provider

Support Provided

Minimum Support

Sensory Considerations

This event is held indoors


Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

Everything you need to know

Our Young Adults group is for people aged 18 to around 35 who have Aspergers, are autistic, or who have another similar neurodivergent profile, who are no longer enrolled in secondary education. We are inclusive of all genders and we welcome young adults at all stages of the diagnostic journey, including self-identified.

  • The Young Adults Group meets on the fourth Thursday of each month.
  • In-person meetings are in Ashwood. Online meetings are held via Zoom.
  • Format: informal social group
  • Activities: meet, chat, and play games, with no social pressure. At our in-person meetings: our Young Adults Mentors run board games and facilitate general discussion.At our online meetings, we have several break-out rooms available for chatting and online games.
  • As this group is a parent/carer free zone, we invite parents and carers to attend our separate Parents & Carers Group.

You are welcome to join in the discussion or to listen to others as you feel comfortable.

Please visit the AV website for upcoming dates and registration details.

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