Aspergers Victoria Banner

Community, Games, Peer Support Groups & Mentor, Social Groups

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Suitable for ages

13-17 years

Autism Friendly

Autism specific provider

Support Provided

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Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

Everything you need to know

Our Teens Group is for Aspergers, autistic and other similar neurodivergent profile teens to meet and hang out to play games or chat.

At our online meetings, the Teens meet via Discord and are accompanied by the Teens Mentors and each Teen must be supervised by a parent or carer when accessing the Discord server.

At our in-person meetings, Teens and the Teens Mentors meet in one room to play games, chat, and have fun, while the parents and carers meet in another room at the same venue, accompanied by the Group Leaders.

Each Teen must be accompanied by a parent or carer and they must stay on-site for the duration of the activity.

Our Teens Group meets monthly on the first Friday of each month.

Please visit our website for upcoming dates and registration details.

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