Suitable for ages
13-17, 18-24, 25+ years
Autism Friendly
Autism specific provider
Support Provided
Check with provider
Sensory Considerations
Venues are considerate to sensory needs, no loud noises, bright lights & you are able to bring any sensory objects that works best for you.
This event is held indoors
Unanderra NSW 2526, Australia
Everything you need to know
This program is based on scientific research about what makes us happy.
This activity was designed specifically for those on the spectrum, taking all the elements that research has identified and putting them into a program that gives young people with ASD easy access to.
Each letter of HAPPINESS represents of an element required for us to be happy: Health, Acceptance, Appreciation, Presence, Purpose, Interactions, New Experiences, Emotions, Skills in Coping & Setting Goals.
The program is fun, relevant for ASD and modified for the specific dynamics of each group.
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