A List Media Packages

Why advertise on The A List ?

The A List has spent a year connecting with providers and the autistic community to create a highly curated platform and community of followers.

We are not your average platform – we know our people, we call our people when they need support and they follow us closely to get their specific needs fulfilled.

Marketing with us will reach

  • A community of over 8,500 Members who talk to us regularly.
  • Over 250,000 website pageviews
  • Almost 8,000 social media followers who have viewed our posts over 1 million times
  • An emailing database of over 26,000 individuals, families, hundreds of providers who we have a relationship with and
  • Our Partners that include some of the largest Autism Providers and Peak Bodies like AMAZE and Curtin University.

Social Posts

Your posts will reach over 8,000 social followers who engage with us daily on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok. Our social posgts were viewed over 1 million times in the last 12 months.

Email Promotion

Your email promotion can be included in our regular emails or as an individual feature email. 

With a membership base of over 8,500 autistic families, Service Providers, Support Coordinators, Local Area Coordinators and individuals. 

Example of a social post

Branded Content

Your Branded Posts will be:

Branded Post

Media Prices

Social Media Post $159
Spotlight in our Newsletter of Feature Emails $249
Branded Content Post with Promotion in Socials $499
All of the things above (save $159) $749

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